Thursday, April 7

Levin Is A Go (Almost..)

Levin Thursday 05
Originally uploaded by madballoonz.

After a busy day of organising this and that, our briefing time for the arriving balloonists was coming up fast. So what did we do? Went flying of course! Four of us who had arrived early gathered at a park on the edge of town and flew back across the city just on dusk.

This created a huge amount of interest with people jumping in their cars and tearing around after us. The other three balloonists landed in a large field on the other side of town. Denis flew on from the traffic jam and landed just as the wind dropped in a rather startled market gardner's car park. But it was all part of the fun and a great lead-up exercise.

This meant our "briefing" ended up being beer n nibbles (no hors de ouvres) and a friendly chat with everyone as they arrived in the evening. Things were definitely beginning to build...

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