Friday, April 15

Friday Night Parade

Denis decided, probably quite wisely, to take a break from the flying this evening, but we entered into the spirit of things by cruising down the main street of Hamilton firing off the burners at regular intervals in convoy with several other balloonists. All in the name of event promotion you'll understand. D had arranged for us to be towed by a convertible 80's Mercedes, so we all looked the part and I had furnished Jonty with a supply of water pistols, which, on reflection, may not have been such a hot idea. Daisy, Elisabeth myself and Jonty all took turns on the burners as we headed down the street. It was kind of weedy with the band and marching girls and stuff, but at the same time it was fun, I guess because it was something different.

After that we headed out to where I lived for a bit of a meal. I had had the notion that we might be able to do an inflate and have like a mini Nightglow with some folk from work invited, but it was so totally dark outside when we got out there that I just ended up doing the same as the parade and giving the burners a bit af a blast for the folks. Disappointing for them, but ah well, it would have meant more work for us.

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