Friday, January 21

Lift Off

This blog has been started to take in the Hot Air Ballooning season in New Zealand - three weeks of chaos and mayhem throughout the North Island. This road (and air) trip will be seen through the eyes and ears of a slightly demented crewie who has the ambition to be a pilot (I've done it twice so far - total time in control of about three hours), but not the wherewithall (y'know, the money). So these three weeks just post-Easter are a chance to live the dream for another year. If you are interested in catching up with the events they start in the Wairarapa just north of Wellington and end in the Waikato, based in Hamilton - keep an eye out for the Wellington balloon. In between these two events is a one week window which will be filled with yet more flying and fun - I'll keep you posted on the location of that one.

First stumbling block is going to be getting the time off work as it is smack in the middle of our busy time. I'm at the boss' mercy at the moment, so I'm sucking up big time. Once I get images sussed I'll have some pics of past events up.

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