Sunday, June 20

Ballooning as Art?

I'm not sure I've seen it yet, but this is edging towards it. Of course it helps if you have a Digital Red 4K camera to catch real HD images (and you know how to use it I guess). I'm not entirely sold on the opening "atmospheric" scenes - I'm not sure they add anything to the narrative of the event apart from clever shots, there are a few handheld wobblers that you inevitably get shooting from a balloon basket but you use them anyway. The soundtrack gets "clicky" through my speakers when the bassline kicks in and I can't watch that lovely shot of the trailing streamer without thinking of "American Beauty" and all the inherent baggage that contains. But this is just the frustrated filmmaker coming out in me (and the editor who says he would have done a tighter cut). From a ballooning perspective, I'm not sure I've ever seen a burner test done before with the basket cranked over and the envelope laid out below it, but hey I wasn't there, so I don't know the circumstances. Sure looks weird to my eyes tho'. But I'm getting picky here - the images are absolutely stunning and are worth just watching - make sure you do it fullscreen, as they more than stand the "blow up" test.   

Hot Air Ballooning 4K from Patrick Lawler on Vimeo.

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